Monday 14 July 2008

Friday's Assembly

Friday,11 July 2008

On Friday instead of activities instead of doing activities ,
we went to Queenswood's theatre to watch some performances! Then, some awards were given to some students for their hard work in their class or for something good that they've done during that week! Well i can say that i laughed for a while with some performances because they were really funny! This assembly was something different and for me it was quite interesting!

Saturday,12 July 2008

Well, Saturday was a really nice day because we didn't have lessons and a whole day full of free time was waiting for us.In the morning we went to Cambridge and we stayed here until the evening! It was a really nice town with old buildings and also shops.There, we went for shopping for almost three hours! We enjoyed it very much, we had really fun with my friends even if we got lost at th end and we couldn't find the way back to the meeting point! xD*

Then we went back to Queenswood, we had some rest and afterwards we had a disco.=)

Well, I liked it! Even though some songs were boring we danced a lot and we really had fun!

Sunday, 13 July 2008

That day was really great because we went to the Thopre park

and we did some extreme games which were really good!Thorpe park

was generally nice and it was something unusual in comparison with the fun parks in my country! There we also went

to pizza hut and we finally left at the evening! Coming back to Queenswood we did some activities until night and then we went straight to our beds after a tiring but relly nice day!:)

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